My Novel: Cibou

"Sensitive and enlightening, Cibou is set in 17th-century Mi’kma’ki, territory of the Mi’kmaq of Maritime Canada. The story is that of a young Mi’kmaw woman and her relationship with Jesuit missionary Anthony Daniel – a historical figure who was stationed in Cape Breton – and his brother, Captain Charles Daniel who had established a French fishing and trading post there. (The priest Daniel was later posted to Huronia where he later met a violent end and martyrdom as Saint Anthony Daniel.)

Susan Biagi has woven a marvelously intuitive tale … at once beautiful and harsh, observing the simple and dangerous lives of cultures interacting on the threshold of new world history." [See links below.]

Print Version of Cibou, CBU Press
Amazon Print Version 
Kindle Version
Review on Amazon
Cibou Shortlisted, Atlantic Book Awards  

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